Why does my pool vacuum loses suction?

Detailed Guide about Why does my pool vacuum loses suction?

Are you puzzled about why your pool vacuum is losing suction? If that’s the case, then this blog post is tailored to help you resolve this problem.

Well, when you have a swimming pool, the last thing you want to do is spend time cleaning it. You can’t just leave your pool unattended for months on end because of how quickly algae and dirt can build up in that short amount of time.

For this reason, many people invest in a high-quality vacuum cleaner that will clean their pools with ease. However, if your vacuum loses suction after extended use or has trouble sucking things up from the bottom of the pool, then there might be something wrong with it.

But, the good news is that there are some easy fixes you can try out if this happens to you. So, let’s dig into it.

Why does my pool vacuum loses suction?

Here are some of the reasons why your pool vacuum loses suction:

1- Clogged Filter

The hose is one of the most common parts of a pool vacuum that can cause it to lose suction. If something gets caught in your pool’s filter, then you probably want to check out this first before anything else.

If there are no clogs, but your vacuum loses suction, then the chances are that dirt and grime have built up inside the hose over time. This not only affects its ability to clean better but also compromises how long it will last too.

You should take care of cleaning the inside of the hose every six months or so for optimal results. To do this, simply remove all hoses from each part of your machine and dip them into the water with some detergent. After that, rinse them out and let them dry before putting everything back together.

2- Issue with the Pool Pump

Another reason your vacuum has less or no suction is that there might be something wrong with the pump. This could mean that clogs in intake ports prevent any water from getting to the filter system and back into the pool again.

You can try using a plumbing snake to get rid of these clogs by feeding them through one at a time (not all at once). If this doesn’t work, then the chances are that your pump needs replacement, too, since it’s probably damaged beyond repair.

To avoid dealing with issues like this again in the future, be sure to clean out skimmer baskets regularly, so nothing gets trapped inside them ever again!​

3- Discharge-Side Problems

Many people with above-ground swimming pools have a separate pump for their skimmer basket. This makes it so that pool debris can be removed from the top of the water without any problems whatsoever. If this part is clogged or broken, then you might not get enough suction to clean your pool properly.

In this case, all you’ll need to do is replace that hose, and it should work just fine again.

4- Problem with Vacuum Unit

The vacuum unit itself can also affect how much suction your pool cleaner has. The same way that the hose clogs up, so do these components inside of it. It happens more often when you use harsh chemicals in the water.

If any part of this is blocked or broken, your entire system will lose its ability to pull dirt. It depicts that even if you clean out all other parts like intakes and hoses, they won’t work as intended without a proper vacuum unit.

5- Air in the Vacuum Hose

This is a common problem with many pool vacuum cleaners. When you have, it is turned on. There’s supposed to be water going through the hose and out of the cleaner itself. Sometimes, however, the air gets trapped in your vacuum line instead, which prevents anything from moving at all.

If this happens, you need to find an air release valve somewhere along the length of your hose. The best place for them is near where they attach to the unit. This will solve any issues that arise due to too much pressure within one part of your system connected by hoses or pipes together.​

What do I do if my Pool Vacuum Loses Suction?

Well, if none of these reasons apply or seem like what could be causing suction loss, then there’s a chance that you might have to realign the whole pool cleaner.

This is usually not necessary unless it’s been a while since you last used it and all parts are pretty much rusted or worn out from use accordingly.

In this case, just take apart your unit, starting with hoses first, skimmer basket, and screws holding vacuum heads together. Also, remove everything else in between until you get down to the motor itself.

Once done making sure each part works properly again, put them back together by following their original order and orientation if possible for best results.

Choosing the Best Pool Vacuum is the Key

If you want the best vacuum for your pool, you must choose one with a powerful motor. There are several different types of motors available, and they vary in price as well.

Depending on how often you plan on using the unit will determine which type is right for your needs. You can choose from AC or DC powered units and even gas operated ones if needed too. However, not all brands offer this choice, so definitely look into what’s out there before making any final decisions.

Final thoughts

We are pretty sure you got an answer: “why does my pool vacuum loses suction?” Pay attention to the reasons discussed above and after finding the issue, fix it.

If your vacuum still loses suction after cleaning the hose, you probably need to replace it with a new one. In that case, try getting a replacement from the place where you bought your unit or do some research online for better alternatives.

There are plenty of pool hoses on Amazon that are guaranteed to fit most standard-sized machines, so take a look around!

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