What Length Pool Vacuum Hose Do I Need

Length Pool Vacuum Hose Do I Need

Cleaning the vacuum can be a tiring job if you have got the wrong gadget for it. You need to make sure that you have got the right vacuum and the right length of hose to clean your pool.

An important thing you need with it is a pool pump which should have a well-constructed vacuum hose to perform better. 

Remember, too much of anything can be bad. So the right amount or the right size is all you need to get. Coming to this point, how would you know about the perfect length of a pool vacuum cleaner hose?

Have no worries we have got it covered for you!

Let’s find out what length of the vacuum hose would be perfect for your pool.

How Long Should It Be

A pool vacuum hose should be long enough to outstretch the farthest point of your pool from the skimmer or the vacuum port, keeping in mind the depth of the swimming pool. If the length is long enough, you won’t find any difficulty in twisting the pipes when you detach the vacuum hose.

How To Measure The Desired Length

To get the ideal length for your pool you need to measure the distance of the two furthest parts of the swimming pool.

For instance, if your skimmer is placed 40 feet from the remotest corner, and the depth of the swimming pool is 5 feet. You will need a 45-foot long vacuum hose.

This way, you will not face any problem while cleaning the pool, the ends will not come out from either corner. The skimmer or the vacuum port both will be connected to the vacuum because of the perfect length. Plus the vacuum hose won’t twist or coil while you vacuum the pool.

Can A Pool Vacuum Hose Be Longer Than Needed

Yes, the pool vacuum hose can be longer than needed. In this case, it will be easier for you to reach the areas and corners deep down, easily cleaning the dirt from there. 

But keeping in mind, the longer the hose will be the more it will twist and coil while you clean. It will just give you another task to perform where you need to open the twists and get rid of the coils which will be time-consuming.

So, the best thing is to measure and then get your perfect vacuum pool hose. To skip any hassles. 

Types Of Vacuum Hoses

  • Adjustable Length Pool Hoses

This type of hose comes in length from 36 to 50 inches. You can push it together to get the desired length. These adjustable hoses are good enough to use as if one part of the hose gets damaged you don’t need to replace the entire house again, just replace the damaged part. Also, the expandability of the adjustable vacuum hose is amazing. 

  • Fixed Length Hose

These hoses come in multiple sizes. The shortest length is 18 feet measuring up to 100 feet. These are the most demanded vacuum pool hoses. 

  • Spiral Length Hose

The type of pool hose has a covering of a spiral hose around the plastic hose. If you plan on buying this, they will cut the length from the drum you want. The only drawback it has is that the plastic around the spiral may break down or leak after a few times.

Always Take The Right Measurements

Being a pool owner might sound exciting, but taking care of the pool is not an easy task. Always select the right cleaning tools and gears for the pool. You should know how to measure the exact length of the pool to find the perfect hose for the pool. 

While selecting a pool hose always keep in mind the following things.

  • Length

The length of the suction cleaner should be measured from the skimmer to the corner of the pool. A meter or two extra in length won’t matter. An extra meter of the vacuum hose would help in reaching the points easily.

  • Flexibility

Being flexible is a plus point, and a good reason to not use a manual hose for cleaning the swimming pool. A hard hose won’t allow it to reach the corners leaving dirty parts in the pool.

  • Twisting And Curling

You wouldn’t want your hose to twist or curl while you clean. As it will take a lot of time to untwist it and open the curls. You also need to keep the hoses straight after you have cleaned the pool. Do not roll them up while storing them. 

  • Material

Pool vacuum hoses come in different materials. All you need to find is a suitable hose for your vacuum which is durable and has a longer life span. You can choose a good-quality plastic hose. It would be flexible as well.


Next time when you plan to buy a vacuum hose, remember to measure the length of your pool before you go. Take the measurements along with you. Find the right material which is highly durable and flexible. 

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