How to Use Vacuum at Car Wash

How to use a vacuum at the car wash? Well, it is pretty easy. If you never used the vacuum in the car wash, keep going through the article. Below, you will find appropriate information on how to make use of the device to clean the interior of the car.

When it comes to the car vacuum, the gas station is the most popular place. A lot of gas station now include the car vacuum. When some of the vacuums are available at free of charge, some other require a small charge. Nowadays a lot of car wash also include a vacuum to clean the car interior. Some of the car wash is self-service while the other operates by workers.

If you want to use the vacuum at the car wash, you need to know how to use the vacuum in the correct manner to get the best out of. In the below part of the article, we will discuss the exact steps that you need to follow to clean the interior of your car.

How to Use Vacuum at Car Wash

It’s important to keep interior of your car. Vacuum is the best option for you to clean the interior. In this article, we will teach you how to clean the interior of your car through a car wash vacuum. You will find detailed steps below to get the best out of the vacuum.

Step 1

First, to vacuum your car, take it to the nearest car wash where the car is vacuumed. Now, to clean your car with a vacuum, park the car near the vacuum. Before starting the vacuum, remove all large debris from your car. Discard them as much as possible – remove bottles, cups, packaging, etc. By removing large debris from the vehicle, it will be easier to vacuum the car.

Step 2

Now you take all the mats out of your car. There is a lot of dust and dirt accumulating in the car mats. Take out all the mats, and sweep them well to loosen the dirt and dust using an old cloth or brush. Then quickly clean the mat and the car floor with a vacuum. If there are any carpet, also clean it.

Note that: You can wash your car mats with water. If you want to clean your mats with a vacuum, you can sprinkle baking soda or carpet freshener on top of your mats. Then clean the mats with a vacuum. By cleaning the mats in this way, it will get rid of any odor and eradicate the smell.

Moreover, if you want to clean your mats very quickly and easily, you can clean the mats with an automatic cleaner like the Rhino-Mat system. It also cleans your mats very effectively.

Step 3

This time slide the front seats of your car back and thoroughly clean the front side of the seats with a vacuum. Now, slide your front seats forward and clean the back of the seats with a vacuum. Now vacuum your car dash and under the rear window. Because these places accumulate a lot of dust and dirt, they need to be cleaned.

Step 4

Vacuum your car seats. Be sure to thoroughly vacuum their entire surface area – front, back, side, the bottom of the seats. There is a lot of dirt and dust accumulating under the seat. If it requires, repeat the vacuum for some parts where there are more accumulation of the dirt.

Step 5

Be sure to vacuum the back trunk of the car at the end of it. First, open the car hatch and clean the trunk space. Then vacuum the trunk carpet thoroughly with a vacuum.

Tips How to Get the Most out of Free Car Vacuums.

Below we will let you know about some tips that will help you to get the best out of the free car vacuums at the car wash.

Remove Garbage and Clean Carpet

To extensively vacuum your car, make sure that there is no large debris in the car. Because large pieces of this garbage are not suitable for vacuum.  This is why you need to remove large pieces of garbage from the car before vacuuming the car. If you have finished cleaning large pieces of garbage from the car, now your car is ready to vacuum.

Your car floor mats are the dirtiest part of the car interior. You will notice that a lot of dust and dirt has accumulated on the carpet of your car, so remove them from the car. Then remove the loose dust and dirt from the carpets and vacuum the carpets thoroughly.

Start Vacuuming High to Low of the Car

This is a technique that is generally applicable to car cleaning. When you are going to vacuum or sweep your car, always try to start cleaning from the top of the car, and slowly you will clean the bottom. This is because if any dust or dirt is displaced and falls, you can clean it as soon as you get to the next level.

Finally, when you are satisfied that you have done the job of cleaning the car properly. Now, it’s time to vacuum the floor mats of the car. If you vacuum the car well, then your car should look spotless!

Clean Hard Surface with a Cloth

Most modern cars have solid dashboards and medium consoles. A good technique for cleaning a complete interior car is to wipe them well with a cloth. These probably accumulate a lot of dust and make it difficult to clean the dust with the vacuum. So, clean your car dashboard and middle console thoroughly with a cloth every day so that the dust cannot accumulate there.


Just like the exterior of your car, it is important to keep the interior of your car. If you routinely vacuum the interior, you can enjoy a fresh journey every time. We hope this article will be useful for you to make use of the vacuum at the car wash. Protection Status
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